Dr. Kleinman Featured in WAG Magazine

The NEW Plastic Surgery Dr. Kleinman has been featured in the January/February 2009 issue of WAG Magazine in an article titled “The NEW Plastic Surgery”. The article details new trends in plastic surgery. Among these is a trend toward “maintenance” procedures which younger women are having performed at earlier ages to help delay future signs of aging and the need for larger, more extensive procedures. These include less-invasive procedures that help to preserve one’s beauty. Perhaps one of the best known of the less-invasive treatments is Botox, which is currently the most popular cosmetic procedure performed in the U.S. While popular among women in their 40s and 50s, plastic surgeons are seeing an increase of women in their 20s and 30s who are seeking Botox as a way to not only treat wrinkles but to help prevent new wrinkling as well. On the horizon is a new European alternative to Botox known as Reloxin. Reloxin, which is slated for FDA approval this month, is said to provide longer lasting results. Many believe that the competition will help to lower the cost of Botox. Injectable fillers are another popular non-invasive treatment which can restore lost volume in order to plump up deep wrinkles, smooth frown lines and enhance the lips. Restylane, Perlane and Juvederm all made from hyaluronic acid have been popular fillers which provide temporary results as they are gradually absorbed over time. There are, however, several new fillers of note. Prevelle Silk, also made from hyaluronic acid, is said to produce the same dramatic results as Restylane, but with the advantage of being pain-free. Prevelle Silk contains lidocaine, a local anesthetic, which allows for the painless reduction of lines, folds and wrinkles, as well as lip enhancement. Evolence is a new collagen-based product ideal for treating patients with fine lines or thinner skin. Evolence involves little downtime and can last for six to twelve months. Injectable fillers are also used to restore areas of age-related volume loss such as hollowed-out cheeks. As quoted in the article, Dr. Kleinman notes: “This can be done with a product off the shelf such as Restylane, or can be done with your own body fat, taken from a variety of places The fat transfer is more permanent but is more time-intensive, so the costs will be significantly higher.” Other trends include less-invasive techniques for facial rejuvenation. If you’re not yet ready for a full eyelid lift, Thermage can also help to improve the signs of aging around the eyes. Using painless radio-frequency, Thermage stimulates collagen production and tightens the skin, with result lasting an average of two years. For a less-invasive necklift, Botox can be injected into the platysmal bands while “Smart Lipo”, a form of laser skin tightening, can improve the appearance of jowls. Non-surgical facelifts are being achieved by combining less-invasive treatments like chemical peels, wrinkle fillers and Botox. As cited in the article, Dr. Kleinman states: “Most people think of plastic surgery being thousands of dollars, but when they find out how much improvement they can get for a couple hundred dollars, it really stimulates them.” These plastic surgery trends are not reserved for the face. Doctors are seeing more and more patients seeking hand rejuvenation which can be achieved by combining the chemical peel with fat transfer in order to treat a sunken, hollow or “veiny” look. There has also been a significant increase in demand for breast augmentation, which many doctors say is due to the 2006 FDA approval of silicone gel-filled implants. These new implants provide a more natural look and feel than previous saline implants. “When I let my patients see and feel both saline and silicone implants, they almost always choose the silicone,” says Dr. Kleinman in the article. “Even though it is about a thousand dollars more, they want a more natural feel.” Dr. Kleinman also notes in the article that women are seeking larger implants: “What women want now is about 2 ounces larger.” The article also advises patients against requesting a particular cup size. “Most women in this area come in asking for a C-cup,” Dr. Kleinman is quoted as saying. “But implants don’t work that way. We just work with them to find the best size for their body.” Body contouring procedures are benefiting from the new “Smart Lipo” which uses laser heat to contract the skin before traditional liposuction is performed. This technique can be particularly beneficial in treating tough areas like the arms and belly which previously would require surgery. Thermage is another good non-surgical option for body contouring of the abdomen, arms and upper thighs. While not providing the same results as surgeries like a tummy tuck, it can help to tighten the area treated. Other procedures that women are now asking for include vaginal rejuvenation and buttock lifts. The article ends with a note on excessive plastic surgery, citing Joan Rivers as “the face of what’s wrong in plastic surgery”. Dr. Kleinman is quoted as saying: “It has less to do with how much is too much and more to do with is this person a realistic candidate Go in with an open mind. If a surgeon tells you that you aren’t a good candidate, take that to heart and understand that we don’t make money if we aren’t operating, so obviously we have your best interest in mind.” To read the article in full, visit: http://www.thewagonline.com/feature1.asp