Hair Transplant

Are you experiencing hair loss or thinning hair? Hair loss can affect not only how you look, but also how you feel about yourself. Self-esteem is affected more and more as hair falls out. It takes time to adapt to a changing appearance and instead of worrying, call Dr. Kleinman. Dr. Kleinman operates a clinic in Westchester and understands the emotional trauma associated with hair loss.

Dr. Andrew Kleinman is a board-certified plastic surgeon with extensive experience in Hair Restoration Surgery. Dr. Kleinman works with Hair Restoration Centers serving patients in Westchester County and Greenwich, CT. He will work closely with you to develop an individualized treatment plan to best achieve your desired look. As with all types of surgery, anyone considering a hair transplant should be in good health and realistic about their expectations for the outcome.


Technically knows as Follicular Units, the tiny bundles of one, two, three or even four strands of hair taken from a donor site in a Hair Transplant are placed onto the balding region of your scalp. The surgery restores a full hairline and fills in bald spots with undetectable, natural looking results for a more youthful appearance.

The donor region of the scalp is located at the back of the head where hair is unaffected by hair loss. There are two methods of extraction- Follicular Unit Grafting (FUG) and Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) where both offer the same beautiful results.

During an FUG procedure, thin strips of hair are taken from the donor region and dissected into separate grafts of follicular units containing one, two, three, or even four strands of hair. FUG leaves thin scars in the donor area, where hair grows through these scars and conceals them very well. FUG also allows for less hair transplant sessions since more hair is taken at a time. However, because a FUG requires incisions, men who wear their hair very short may want to consider going with the FUE method.

FUE extracts these individual grafts of follicular units containing one, two, three, or even four strands of hair one at a time. A tiny circular tool is used to punch around each follicular unit, which leaves tiny circular scars that are typically undetectable. Recovery is faster with a FUE than a FUG, however if too many FUE transplants are performed on the same individual, general thinning can occur.


The hair transplant procedure technology has come a long way since it’s early days. In the 1950’s, 60’s, and 70’s, hair was being punched and relocated from the back and sides of the head to the balding areas of the scalp. Good results were achieved but many patients did not have enough donor supply to complete the hair transplant process. This left the patients with a very unnatural hairline and large bumpy scars on the back of their head. These old hair transplants results were known as “Barbie doll hair” or “corn rows”.

The 1980’s were better years for hair restoration surgery, as the large punch grafts became outdated and the new, smaller mini and micrografts were introduced. This method surgically removed a strip of hair resistant to balding and then cut it into mini and micrografts of four to eight hair follicles for density, and one to three hair follicles for a feathered front hairline.

The hair transplant results of today are more natural than ever with the introduction of the “follicular unit hair transplant.” This procedure takes hairs in their natural groupings of one, two, three, or sometimes four hair follicles and carefully places them in the exact angle that hair grows naturally. The results are so natural looking that they are virtually undetectable.